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Living an Evidence-Based Guru Life

Do you have that friend who can’t stop raving about their daily cold plunge, drinking the latest supplement, or meditating with their favorite influencer? This constant bombardment of 'transformative' rituals, amplified by influencers, presents a modern dilemma. On one hand, we ask, “How do they have time for all this?” On the other hand, we wonder, “Should I be doing these things?” Exploring emerging trends and embracing new routines can feel like a whirlwind of deciding what genuinely benefits us versus chasing the fleeting allure of new fads. It's a dance of discernment we’ve all got to learn, navigating between the fear of missing out on actual useful advice and the exhaustion of keeping up with every new trend, often contradicting the last. This balancing act is our new challenge.

Life of a guru

What Is the Life of a Guru?

The rise of the modern guru culture has emerged as both a beacon of guidance and a source of overwhelming confusion. Humans have always trusted wise guides to help clarify the way one should live. The spoken word of philosophers and kings gave way to the written page which morphed into the printed book, the broadcast message, and now, the viral video. This phenomenon, while rooted in the ancient tradition of seeking wisdom from those who have tread the path before us, has accelerated at a pace far beyond our capacity to critically evaluate the deluge of advice pouring into our daily lives. As such, the desire for personalized, evidence-based life coaching continues to grow.

Consider the seemingly simple task of establishing the "ultimate morning routine." The debate between following Andrew Huberman's call to greet the sunrise with exercise and hydration, delaying coffee consumption until your early morning deep work session, versus Ali Abdaal's advertisement-laden recommendation for immediate meditation followed by a warm shower (despite Huberman's endorsement of a cold one), and a leisurely crafted cup of coffee accompanying his journaling practice, encapsulates the challenge. Each guru brings a compelling narrative, backed by a blend of science and personal success stories, making the choice between them anything but straightforward.

The real question emerges: How does one navigate this flurry of influencer advice on something as foundational as starting your day? Our lives are not blank slates upon which any guru's routine can be easily etched. They are canvases already painted with the hues of our upbringing, the contours of our physical and logistical limitations, and the patterns of our ingrained habits. It's rare to find advice that accommodates waking up at dawn to soothe a crying child or preparing breakfast for a family on a tight school morning schedule. 

The Effects of Modern Influencers

A few years ago, when I got serious about intentional living and habit formation, I found myself adrift in a sea of contradictory guru advice. The decision between building a fitness regimen based on a vegetarian diet and calisthenics versus high-protein foods with heavy lifting was just the tip of the iceberg. Was it better to launch into work first thing in the morning or to begin the day with a period of contemplative prayer?

Oliver Berkman, in his book "4,000 Weeks," articulates this dilemma perfectly: “It's easy for me to fantasize about, say, a life spent achieving stellar professional success, while also excelling as a parent and as a spouse, while also dedicating myself to training for marathons or lengthy meditation retreats or volunteering in my community. Because so long as I'm only fantasizing, I get to imagine all of them unfolding simultaneously and flawlessly. But as soon as I start trying to live any one of those lives, I'll be forced to make trade-offs, to put less time than I'd like into one of those domains, so as to make space for another and to accept that nothing I do will go perfectly anyway.”

This realization brings us to a crucial juncture: many of us are living lives limited by our fantasies instead of crafting our reality. Here, the role of coaching becomes invaluable. Whether through a human coach or an AI life coach, initiating a dialogue about your aspirations and the obstacles you perceive can illuminate the path forward. Confronting limiting beliefs like "I'm not a morning person" or "I must start my day with coffee" opens the door to crafting a morning routine that not only fits your current life stage but also aligns with your broader goals.

Live Your Best Evidence-Based Life

So, if you find yourself paralyzed by the contradictory messages propagated by today's gurus, take a moment to pause. Let Craftd guide you through the noise, helping you to articulate where you want to go and how best to get there. In the journey to cut through the cacophony and craft a life of intention and purpose, recognizing the value of tailored coaching can be your first step toward clarity and actionable change.

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