In a world seemingly interconnected by digital threads, the advice to succeed in life by valuing marriage and family shouldn’t ignite a social media firestorm, yet when NFL kicker Harrison Butker shared his personal testament at his alma mater in May 2023, it struck a resonant chord. He posited that his athletic achievements pale in comparison to the fulfillment derived from his commitment to his family.
This perspective challenges the prevailing ideology promoted at many commencement addresses, which often valorize the pursuit of individual dreams and self-fulfillment above all else. But is this quest for personal liberation truly leading to the widespread flourishing it promises? Evidence suggests otherwise, with a notable shift in societal well-being traced back to 2012, coinciding with the rise of unfettered social media usage. This digital age paradoxically fosters a sense of isolation amidst unprecedented connectivity.
Deep Commitments: The Scaffold for Societal Rejuvenation
While marriage and family may not be the remedy for every individual, they serve a necessary role in our society. It's clear that the path to mending the fractures caused by an overemphasis on autonomy lies in forging deeper connections. David Brooks, in The Second Mountain, proposes a quartet of commitments—vocation, marriage, philosophy/faith, and community—as the scaffold for societal rejuvenation. Brooks posits that these profound commitments serve multiple healing purposes. They provide a sense of identity for those grappling with self-understanding and inject purpose into life's seemingly directionless moments.
Interestingly, Brooks suggests that these commitments liberate us further, challenging the notion that true freedom is found in unbridled autonomy. Moreover, by committing to values and principles that transcend personal gain, we cultivate moral character, guiding us toward what is genuinely worthwhile. Through Brooks' lens, it becomes evident that commitment, in its many forms, holds more power to transform us—and by extension, our society—than we might initially believe.
Stoicism: A Philosophical Foundation for Living
Transitioning from the Judeo-Christian perspective offered by both Butker and Brooks, it's important to note that while Brooks champions the importance of commitment to a philosophy and faith, he does not prescribe Christianity as the sole path. This openness to diverse philosophical foundations leads us to consider Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that emphasizes personal virtue and wisdom as the means to achieve a good life. Reflecting on the insights from The Second Mountain and the evident fissures within our cultural landscape, I became convinced that a revival of Stoic principles could significantly enhance our societal well-being. Embracing Stoicism's cardinal virtues—prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance—offers a robust alternative to the prevailing postmodern ethos characterized by a pursuit of affluence and individualism. This Stoic resurgence could provide the philosophical grounding needed to foster healthier communities and individuals, steering us away from the fragmentation and dissatisfaction that mark the current era.
For those pondering, "What is Stoicism?" it's a philosophy that champions living in harmony with reason, emphasizing virtue as the highest good. Ryan Holiday, through his modern Stoic movement, reinvigorates this ancient wisdom, offering a blueprint for personal and communal transformation through the embrace of Stoic virtues.
Prudence or wisdom calls for a profound understanding of the world and the cultivation of goodwill towards others. Justice involves creating harmony within ourselves, our communities, and the broader world, a principle Marcus Aurelius saw as the foundation of virtue. Fortitude, or courage, is essential in confronting today's unique challenges, echoing Seneca's sentiment that adversity tests our bravery. Temperance, or self-control, stands as a bulwark against the excesses of contemporary life, from the obesity epidemic to financial recklessness.
Yet, virtue is not innate; it is forged through consistent effort and choice, becoming second nature through persistent practice. This cultivation of virtue, once nurtured within community frameworks, now requires intentional commitment in a world where traditional anchors have eroded.
AI Life Coaching: A Modern Path to Ancient Virtues
Life coaching, particularly through innovative AI-powered platforms like Craftd, offers a means to navigate this journey toward virtue. Craftd's AI life coach is designed to guide individuals in identifying growth areas, overcoming obstacles, and fostering deep commitments that shape a virtuous life. For those seeking to live with greater courage and contribute positively to their communities, starting a conversation with Craftd can be a transformative step. Instead of succumbing to the endless scroll of digital distraction, why not explore a dialogue that could lead to meaningful personal and societal change?
In embracing Stoicism and its virtues, we find a valuable starting point for individual growth and community healing. Stoicism, with its rich tradition and practical focus on living a virtuous life, offers insights into navigating the complexities of the modern world. By integrating philosophy and faith into our lives, we can build a foundation for personal development and communal well-being. Craftd invites you to embark on this journey, leveraging the power of our AI life coaching services to explore and embrace the virtues that can lead to a more fulfilling and connected life. Start with a prompt, delve into the philosophy of Stoicism, and discover the transformative potential of living according to its virtues. Let's cut through the noise together and craft lives of impactful virtue.